Parish Council meeting
Shobnall Parish Council meeting on Monday 17th April immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting.
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 11 April 2023
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA on Monday 17 April 2023 at which the business set out below will be transacted immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Public Forum
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. |
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interests and Dispensations
- May 2023 parish election
- To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2023
- Matters arising from the previous meeting
- County Councillor’s report
- Borough Councillors’ reports
- Financial matters
- Receipts/payments to 31 March 2023
- Internal Auditor’s report
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
- Dallow Lock mural
- Planning matters
- To receive questions from Councillors
- Correspondence
Minutes of a meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at Brook House, Shobnall Road
on Monday 17 April 2023 commencing at 7.15pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon, Pennicott and Shilton
Also present
ESBC Councillors McKiernan and Walker
Ruel Cole
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
Mr Cole said that during Covid he had volunteered as a driver to deliver food to the elderly and vulnerable and he had noted that there was nothing to note the impact the Windrush generation had made on the growth of Burton. He said that he would like to see something which could be done in recognising the Windrush generation, e.g. a plaque in the Borough Mayor’s chamber, ESBC’s council building and the hospital and/or street names on new developments (i.e. Windrush Drive/Close or Caribbean Drive/Close). He said that 21 June 2023 was the 75th anniversary of the Windrush arriving at Tilbury Docks.
Councillor McKiernan said that the Mayor does not have a Chamber and there are no plaques as such in the council building.
Councillors noted that there were plans for the National Brewery Museum to relocate to a building in Burton and they would be looking to include artefacts and other historical information on all sectors of the Burton community. It was also noted that there was already a wealth of information held in the town regarding the Windrush generation.
Mr Cole said that representatives from the Burton Caribbean Centre would like to approach the parish council for a donation towards a project to mark the Windrush generation. He was advised to ask that an email be sent to the Clerk explaining the project and they could then be invited to attend a meeting.
Mr Cole left the meeting, thanking the council for allowing him to speak.
- Apologies
Councillor Asghar
- Declarations of Interest and receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
- May 2023 parish elections
The Clerk advised the council that ESBC had advised that an insufficient number of people had submitted nominations by the 04 April deadline. Three people have been returned uncontested and are elected, leaving a total of eight vacancies. As there are fewer than four elected councillors, the council will be inquorate after 09 May. ESBC will run another election with a view to filling at least one of the vacant places, the election will take place on 22 June 2023.
- Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 20 March 2023 be approved as an accurate record.
- Matters arising
None raised.
- County Councillor
Councillor Afsar was not present at the meeting and a report had not been provided.
- Borough Councillors reports
Councillor McKiernan said that she and Mike Hovers, ESBC were keen for a legacy project to be implemented for Unity Park; she said that volunteers would be needed and a meeting will be held after the May local elections.
- Financial matters
162.1 Schedule of payments
Payee | Description | Payment | Gross
£ |
£ |
Method | ||||
Clerk | Salary and expenses | BACS | 779.94 | 2.20 |
MW Cripwell Ltd | Defibrillator inspections (March) | BACS | 120.00 | 20.00 |
SLCC | 2023/24 Subscription (pro rata) | BACS | 90.77 | 0.00 |
SPCA | 2023/24 Subscription | BACS | 690.39 | 0.00 |
Viking | Postage stamps | BACS | 115.98 | 3.48 |
Kim Squires Internal Audit Services | 2022/23 Internal Audit | BACS | 256.16 | 0.00 |
HSBC | Bank charges | DD | 8.00 | 0.00 |
2,061.24 | 25.68 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved.
162.2 Bank reconciliation at 31 March 2023
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 68,754.32 |
Business Money Manager Account | 30,281.14 |
99,035.46 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
162.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs) as at 31 March 2023
Earmarked Reserves | £ |
Elections | 10,000.00 |
Proposed skatepark extension | 44,100.00 |
Dallow Lock mural refurbishment | 14,000.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | 5,000.00 |
Speed Indicator Device | 5,555.00 |
Benches | 2,000.00 |
“Free” funds | 18,380.46 |
99,035.46 |
Resolved That the EMRs be agreed.
- Receipts/payments to 31 March 2023
Agreed The report be noted.
- Internal Auditor’s report
Resolved That the report be noted.
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
- Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2022/23
Resolved That:
165.1.1 The council prepared its accounting statements in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
165.1.2 The council had made proper arrangements and accepted responsibility for safeguarding the public money and resources in its charge.
165.1.3 The council had only done what it has the legal power to do and has compiled with the Proper Practices in doing so.
165.1.4 The council had during the year gave all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and ask questions about this authority’s accounts.
165.1.5 The council had considered and documented the financial and other risks it faces and dealt with them properly.
165.1.6 The council had arranged for a competent person, independent of the financial controls and procedures, to give an objective view on whether internal controls meet the needs of this smaller authority.
165.1.7 The council had responded to matters brought to its attention by internal and external audit.
165.1.8 The council had disclosed everything it should have about its business activity during the year including events taking place after the year end if relevant.
165.1.9 The Annual Return: Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2023 be approved and the Chair be authorised to sign the document.
165.2 Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2022/23
Resolved That the Annual Return: Section 2 – Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 202 be approved and that the Chair be authorised to sign the document.
- Public Rights period for 2022/23 Annual Governance and Accountability Return
The council noted that the Public Rights period would be:
Date of Announcement: 01 June 2023
Public Rights period: 05 June – 14 July 2023 inclusive
- Dallow Lock mural
The council received the artist’s quotation to:
- To redesign digitally the two existing murals at Dallow Lock. The redesign will be sympathetic to the original designs, including all original artwork elements. It will also broadly follow the colour palette of the original mural unless specified otherwise by the Parish Council; due to the sheltered environment under the bridge, the aim will be to make the mural as bright and upbeat as possible. In order to ensure the highest quality digital re design it is estimated a minimum of two weeks design time will be required before submission of proofs for approval.
- To provide Shobnall Parish Council with digital proofs and subsequent test prints onto Dibond for on-site approval prior to full installation of the new murals. The digital proofs will be signed off by Shobnall PC prior to the printing of the test sheets and subsequent full-scale Dibond murals.
- To remove the old, damaged polycarbonate and dispose of all sheets appropriately.
- To install 2×15.2 metre redesigned murals on 3 mm Dibond with Matt lamination to face over the existing ply/painted mural. The digital print will be made with five year guarantee UV proof inks; this is the printers guarantee, in practice, the UV inks usually last longer.
- To re-cover the new murals with protective 3/4 mm polycarbonate sheeting employing the existing 5 mm spacer system to allow air flow between the mural and the protective polycarbonate layer.
- To make good the existing aluminium protective framing around the polycarbonate sheet and/or or replace with new aluminium angle: Efforts will be made to re-use existing materials where appropriate.
- To provide Shobnall Parish Council with full high resolution files of the reworked digital artwork in order to allow future replacement of mural panels if and when necessary.
- The site survey of the existing murals at Dallow Lock in January of this year suggests that the timber subframe and ply sheeting is in relatively good condition and will be adequate for the fixing of the 3 mm Dibond sheeting.
TOTAL: £15,350.00
- Note: Due to the current inflationary economic climate this quote is valid for the next two months but may be subject to revision beyond that time. Efforts have been made to use a local supplier for the Polycarbonate protective sheeting but at present their provisional price is uncompetitive compared with my Birmingham supplier.
Resolved That the above quotation be accepted and that the artist be asked if he would require payment in stages or in full.
- Planning matters
168.1 Planning applications
Appl. No. | Location | Proposal |
P/2023/00289 | 72 Outwoods Street | Erection of a single storey side and rear extension |
No objection | ||
P/2023/00290 | 33 Outwoods Street | Change of use from C3(a) dwelling to C3(b) supported housing |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ The proposed development will result in traffic/parking issues in an area which already has parking challenges. § There is a demand for larger family homes within the area. |
P/2023/00313 | Rear of
193 Shobnall Road |
Felling of one Ash tree (TPO No 436) |
No objection | ||
P/2023/00324 | Land rear of
1 Grange Street |
Conversion of existing garage to form gym and single storey extensions to form new garage and WC/shower |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ Potential loss of off street parking as it was felt that the parking spaces shown on the plans are inadequate for the number of residents living at the property. § Reduction in space available for outdoor amenity facilities for residents living at the property. § Concern was expressed on the potential future use of the extended garage.
If the Local Planning Authority is minded to approve the application, Shobnall Parish Council asks that a condition be applied that the extended garage cannot be used for residential accommodation in the future.
Councillor Paul Walker has been requested to call in the application for consideration and decision by the Planning Committee. |
P/2023/00418 | 224 Shobnall Road | Felling of 7 Lombardy Poplar trees (TPO 362) |
No objection |
168.2 Planning Decisions
Resolved That the report be noted.
- Councillors’ questions
Councillor Donlon said that an art group aimed at Ukrainian people was being formed and would be looking for grant aid. She was advised to ask the group to email the Clerk so that a Grant Aid application form could be provided to them.
- Correspondence and circulars
170.1 SPCA
The SPCA’s weekly Bulletins had been circulated to all councillors.
170.2 Highways England
The A38 Traffic Management Bulletins had been circulated to all councillors.
170.3 Shobnall Community Project
The Commissioning Officer, Public Health and Prevention, Staffordshire County Council had advised the council that a community event was being planned as part of a piece of suicide prevention work to address the issues around the A38 footbridge.
Agreed That details of the event be provided to Councillors and uploaded to the website when these have been finalised.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm