Parish Council meeting
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 08 November 2021
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA on Monday 15 November 2021 commencing at 7.00pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
Public Forum
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
Proposal to upgrade the skatepark on Shobnall Fields:
Dan Poyner will present the plans he has so far to upgrade the skatepark.
- To receive apologies
- To receive Declarations of Interest
- To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
- To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
- Police
- To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 October 2021
- To consider matters arising from the previous meeting
- To receive reports from the Borough Councillors
- To receive a report from the County Councillor
- Financial matters
- Actual Income and Expenditure to 31 October 2021 and draft 2022/23 budget
- Staffordshire County Council:
Licence to erect a noticeboard and a defibrillator and heated cabinet on the external wall of the BACT Community Hub at the corner of Casey Lane/Grange Street
- ESBC: Polling District Review 2021
- Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue, Crime:
Have your say on policing, and fire and rescue in Staffordshire
- Branston Locks development
- Shobnall Parish Council website
- Meeting venue
- To consider planning matters
- To receive questions from Councillors
- Correspondence and Circulars
- Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting:
Monday 20 December 2021 commencing at 7.00pm at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 2BA.
Minutes of a meeting of Shobnall Parish Council held at Brook House, Shobnall Road on Monday 15 November 2021
commencing at 7pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Asghar, Dittmer, Donlon, Hoare and Shilton
In attendance
Mary Danby, Clerk
ESBC Councillors McKiernan and Walker
Public Forum
No members of the public were present.
Proposal to upgrade the skatepark on Shobnall Fields
Dan Poyner, Skate Burton gave an overview of the proposed upgrade to the skatepark facility. He said that discussions are ongoing with ESC and Everyone Active. He said that he is working towards drafting an indicative plan on which the group can then speak to potential partners regarding funding for the project (estimated at c£300,000 plus c£50,000 for floodlighting). His purpose in speaking with the council was to (a) inform councillors on the proposal and (b) to seek the council’s support in principle for the project.
Agreed That the council supports the project in principle and that Skate Burton provide updates over time as the project progresses.
- Apologies
None, all Councillors were present.
- Declarations of Interest
None declared
- Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None received
- Update to Councillors’ Register of Interest
None received
- Police
The Police report had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting.
- Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2021 be approved as an accurate record.
- Matters arising from the previous meeting
None raised.
111. Borough Councillors’ reports
Councillor Walker reported that:
- He and Councillor Shilton had attended a site meeting on Shobnall Fields on 15 November. Staffs Police had asked for an onsite community meeting to discuss Shobnall Fields which has featured as a hotspot location for violence following a number of serious incidents. The meeting was part of Operation Synchro and is being hosted by the Police’s Violence Reduction Team.
Agreed That ESBC be asked to confirm the list of meeting attendees and what the next step is following the meeting.
- Fly tipping continues to be a problem in the Parish, one example being York Street.
Agreed That SCC/ESBC be asked:
- How much has the County Council taken in income at the Burton recycling centre from Shobnall Parish residents in the last 12 months?
- How much has it cost the Borough Council to deal with fly tipping in the Shobnall Parish in the last 12 months?
- The Byrkley Street and Edward Street area had been under water recently, the County Council would now investigate the issues caused by blocked drains.
Councillor Asghar left the meeting at 8.20pm
- County Councillor’s report
A report was not available as Councillor Afsar was not present at the meeting.
- Financial matters
113.1 Schedule of payments
Payments | Payment
method |
£ |
£ |
Transaction detail |
Viking | BACS | 135.61 | 17.48 | Printer toner £68.39 |
Stamps £30.72, Stationery £36.50 | ||||
SPCA | BACS | 30.00 | – | Training course (x1 delegate) |
Clerk | BACS | 742.47 | 9.99 | Salary and expenses |
Bloom’ Gardens | BACS | 186.00 | 31.00 | Litter picking £90.00
Remove litter bins and make ground good (required at end of Lease) £96.00 |
Total payments | 1,094.08 | 58.47 |
Resolved that the above payments be approved.
113.2 Bank reconciliation as at 31 October 2021
Current Account | £63,424.37 |
Business Money Manager Account | £30,137.11 |
£93,561.48 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
113.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs)
Elections | £10,000.00 |
Bus shelter project | £10,000.00 |
Community projects | £37,000.00 |
Parish boundary signs | £ 5,000.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | £ 5,000.00 |
General Reserve | £26,561.48 |
Total | £93,561.48 |
Resolved That the information be noted.
- Actual income and expenditure to 31 October 2021 and draft 2022/23 budget
Resolved That the report be noted and that councillors bring potential projects for consideration for discussion at the next meeting. It was noted that the council will be asked to declare the 2022/23 precept on ESBC at the January 2022 meeting.
- Staffordshire County Council:
Licence to erect a noticeboard and a defibrillator and heated cabinet on the external wall of The Grange Centre, Grange Street
Resolved That the Clerk be authorised to sign the Licence on behalf of the council.
- ESBC: Polling District Review 2021
Resolved That the document be received without comment.
- Staffordshire Commissioner for Police, Fire and Rescue, Crime:
Have your say on policing, and fire and rescue on Staffordshire
Resolved That the communication be received without comment.
- Branston Locks development
Resolved That Lovell’s be advised that the council does not want to take on board the ownership and long-term maintenance of the storm water attenuation pond.
- Website
There had been 33 visits to the website in the 30 days to 08 November 2021.
- Meeting venue
Resolved That the council continue to meet at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road for its 2022 meetings.
- Planning matters
121.1 Planning applications
Application No. | Location | Proposal |
P/2021/01258 | 18 Outwoods Street | Erection of a two storey rear/side extension (Revised) |
No objection | ||
P/2021/01348 | The Range
Wellington Road |
Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to vary Condition 5 attached to the planning permission P/2012/00081 in relation to the erection of a detached building to form ancillary garden centre to allow the sale of food and drink goods for consumption off the premises up to a maximum of 250 sq. metres |
No objection |
121.2 Planning decisions
Resolved That the report be noted.
- Councillors’ questions
None raised.
- Correspondence and circulars
123.1 SPCA
The SPCA’s weekly Bulletins had been circulated to all Councillors.
123.2 Highway England
The A38 Traffic Management Bulletins had been circulated to all Councillors.
Date of next meeting
Monday 20 December 2021 at 7pm at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road.
The Meeting closed at 8.45pm
Signed ………………………………………………………..
Date ………………………………………………………..