Parish Council meeting
Shobnall Parish Council will meet at 7pm on Monday 18th November at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 11 November 2024
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA on Monday 18 November 2024 commencing at 7.00pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interest and Dispensations
- To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2024
- Matters arising
- Borough Councillors’ reports
- Financial matters
- Income and expenditure as at 31 October 2024 and Draft 2025/26 budget
- Planning matters
- Government consultation: Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
- Correspondence
- To receive questions/reports from Parish Councillors
- Exclusion of the Press and public
- Traffic Survey: Air quality assessment
- Staffing matters
Draft Minutes of a meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at Brook House, Shobnall Road
on Monday 18 November 2024 commencing at 7pm
Councillor Pennicott in the Chair
Councillors Donlon, Dittmer, Donlon and Shilton
Also present
ESBC Councillor McKiernan
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
No comments or questions were received.
- Apologies
None, all Councillors were present.
- Declarations of Interest and receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None were declared.
- Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 September 2024 be approved as an accurate record.
- Matters arising
None raised.
- Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor McKiernan reported that:
- The Garden Waste Recycling Scheme (brown bins) will commence in January 2025. Residents will need to subscribe to the Scheme; a payment of £40 will be taken in full when signing up to the Scheme. A discounted rate of £35 is available to those who subscribe prior to 31 January 2025. A 50% discount may be available to households in receipt of an income replacement benefit.
- The Bread and Butter Thing
Food redistribution charity, The Bread and Butter Thing (Bread and Butter) is bringing it’s fresh, affordable food offering East Staffordshire in partnership with East Staffordshire Borough Council. With a focus on healthy, surplus food, the first hub opens in Uttoxeter on Monday 11 November with three new hubs scheduled to open in December and January in Burton-Upon-Trent. Details can be found on ESBC’s website.
- As Mayor she has a very busy diary; she invited Councillors to attend a Choral Carol Service in the Town Hall on 08 December – raffle tickets will be available in aid of the Mayor’s charity.
- Financial matters
73.1 Schedule of payments made during October 2024
Payee | Payment
Method |
£ |
£ |
Transaction Detail |
Clerk | BACS
126.95 | 19.15 | Reimbursement re printer toners, meeting refreshments and Land Registry fee |
Forvis Mazars LLP | BACS
(20/09/24) |
252.00 | 42.00 | External audit fee YE 31 March 2024 |
DSK Engineering Services (Midlands) Ltd | BACS | 175.14 | 29.19 | Supply and fit replacement header board for the Community Centre noticeboard |
MW Cripwell Ltd | BACS | 2,473.20 | 412.20 | Defibrillator inspections (September)
Supply and install defibrillator at Oak & Ivy, Wellington Street |
Clerk | BACS | 814.68 | 0.33 | Salary and expenses |
HSBC | DD | 8.00 | 0.00 | Bank charges |
SLCC | BACS | 54.00 | 9.00 | Training (Website Accessibility Compliance) |
Total | 3,903.97 | 511.87 |
Resolved That the above payments be retrospectively approved.
73.2 Schedule of payments
Payee | Payment
Method |
£ |
£ |
Transaction Detail |
MW Cripwell Ltd | BACS | 332.52 | 55.42 | Defibrillator inspections (October)
Replacement defib prep kit (Oak & Ivy) |
Dynamic Transport Planning Ltd | BACS | 2,289.60 | 381.60 | Air quality assessment |
Clerk | BACS | 1,061.68 | 42.63 | Salary, expenses and reimbursement re printer cartridges/toner |
HSBC | DD | 8.00 | 0.00 | Bank charges |
SLCC Enterprises Ltd | BACS | 384.00 | 64.00 | Practitioners’ Conference (delegate fee) |
Eon Highway Lighting | BACS | 44.34 | 7.38 | Maintenance/energy costs for 1 no. street light |
Edwards Cleaning Company | BACS | 125.00 | 0.00 | Cleaning Dallow Lock mural and 3 No. noticeboards |
4,245.14 | 551.03 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved.
73.3 Bank reconciliation as at 31 October 2024
£ | |
Current Account | 78369.51 |
HSBC Business Money Manager Account | 31,122.52 |
109,492.03 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
73.4 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs)
Earmarked Reserves | Opening
01/04/2024 £ |
In funds £ |
31/10/2024 £ |
Elections | 9,592.20 | 0.00 | 9,592.20 |
Community projects | 35,225.00 | 0.00 | 35,225.00 |
Dallow Lock mural refurbishments | 7,675.00 | 0.00 | 7,675.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | 5,000.00 | 0.00 | 5,000.00 |
Speed Indication Device | 5,555.00 | ( 4,369.00) | 1,186.00 |
Benches | 9,672.00 | ( 4,732.00) | 4,940.00 |
Shobnall Road surveys | 7,525.00 | ( 5,617.00) | 1,908.00 |
80,244.20 | (14,718.00) | 65,526.20 |
Resolved That the EMRs be agreed.
- Income and expenditure as at 31 October 2024 and Draft 2025/26 budget
Agreed That:
- The report be noted.
- That consideration be given to budgeting for the following projects:
- “Welcome to Shobnall” signs at the boundary entry points into the Parish
- Benches on the grassed area at the corner of The Lawns development/Shobnall Road
- Bus shelter and seat at the bus stop/layby on Shobnall Road, opposite Brook House.
- A second SID being installed on Shobnall Road
- Planning matters
75.1 Planning applications
Resolved That the following comments submitted to ESBC during October 2024 be retrospectively approved:
Application No. |
Location | Proposal |
P/2024/00931 | 224 Shobnall Road | Sectional fell to ground level of one Ash tree and felling of one Leylandii tree growing within Ash tree |
No objection | ||
P/2024/00933 | Vitality House
Sixth Avenue |
Siting of a chiller unit for a temporary period of 5 years |
No objection in principle but concerns raised regarding noise impact and possible vehicle impact on local roads:
Noise report § The noise report had a couple of things with data not available. § Spectral noise data – only single chiller noise data, section 5.3.1 § Tonality not assessed on Transport § The transport concern is that nothing is mentioned about any night time transport increases, particularly as this is for a temporary period of 5 years. How will the frozen/refrigerated items be delivered/collected? |
P/2024/00955 | 31 Derby Street | Proposed change of use from barber shop (Class E) to take away (Sui generis) |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ Another takeaway is not needed in this area, there are already eight takeaways in this short stretch of Derby Street/Borough Road. § Lack of parking spaces: Parking is already horrendous with vehicles double parked along this whole stretch of Derby Street and on the double yellow lines on the Station bridge approach and Borough Road. § Query: Is this a retrospective application? It was noted that the business is already trading as a takeaway at the application address. |
P/2024/00997 | 4 St Pauls Square | Crown lift to 4m and 5.6m over road and remove epicormic shoots one Lime tree, crown lift to 3m and 5.6m over road one Beech tree (TPO369) |
No objection | ||
P/2024/01030 | 4 St Pauls Square | Reduce top and side by up to 3m one Yew tree (T2), remove to ground level one self-set Holly tree (T4) |
No objection |
75.2 Planning applications
Application No. | Location | Proposal |
P/2024/00717 | 1 Grange Street | Retention of window to the rear elevation of Flat 1 along with amendments to its ground floor layout, continued use of Flats 1 and 2 plus the remainder of the property as a 4 bed HMO |
No objection |
75.3 Planning decisions
Resolved That the report be noted.
- Government consultation:
Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
Agreed That the information be received without comment.
- Councillors questions/reports
- Councillors asked what was happening with the Gordon Street Surgery. ESBC Councillor McKiernan said the site is closed and that patients have access to Outwoods House, Belvedere Road and some things are available at Hill Street Health & Wellbeing Centre.
- Councillors asked that Staffordshire Highways be approached for feedback on the proposed weight limit on the B5017 Shobnall Road.
- Correspondence and Circulars
78.1 Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association (SPCA)
Information supplied by the SPCA had been circulated to all Councillors.
- Exclusion of the Press and public
Resolved That under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 2) (and as expended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972), the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information.
- Traffic Survey: Air quality assessment
Resolved That the air quality assessment be received.
- Staffing matters
Resolved That following confirmation from NALC/SLCC that the pay increase for 2024 had been agreed, backdated to 01 April 2024, the increase be applied to the Clerk’s salary (scp 17) with immediate effect.
Date of next meeting
Monday 16 December 2024 commencing at 7.00pm at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA
The meeting closed at 8pm